Product Description

Due to the lack a of cost-effective data logging solution, HeliosLite developed HeliosSense to monitoring isolated floating PV experiments. Powered by a photovoltaic cell coupled to a Lithium Ion battery, HeliosSense can collect data from numerous sensors and communicates via the G4 network. Four remote weather stations have been deployed in the Courchevel ski resort and other applications are envisaged for this robust, flexible and multi-purpose data logger.

Product Features

  • No external power or communication cable as HeliosSense is self-powered and wireless.
  • Adaptable to many data sensors and environments for wide variety of applications (performance monitoring, risk surveillance, experimental data).
  • Scientific quality data with calibrated sensors.
  • Designed & assembled in France by HeliosLite.

Commercial Partner

HeliosLite is open to studying various co-development and commercial agreements to better serve the market.

Let’s work together!

Please contact HeliosLite for more information and pricing for your project.